About Cedlon

Cedlon Ltd is established by people with more than 20 years experience on reverse logistics,  supply chain management and sales of any kind of surplus stock .

Through that experience and collective work we establish co-operations and serve A-list Manufacturers on worldwide level. The sector we specialize is branded Consumer Electronics.

Through Cedlon you have the privilege of access to an ample variety of analytically categorized inventories originating directly from Manufacturers’ warehouses.

Cedlon offers access to deals you would not normally find at costs you could not possibly acquire.  

Our global customer portfolio expands from multinational Vendors, surplus stock specialized distributors, and refurbishes to distributors..

 The privileges and obligations are the same and equal to each and every one of them.

Our E-commerce  Platforms include Bids, B2B bidding operating at GMT time and Direct an online shop you can purchase products immediately. There are also off line deals from case to case.

Using all three methods we can ensure the best remarketing of excess stock while we offer our customers the chance to operate in the level that fits them best.

 On top of, occasionally we organize, in agreement with the Manufacturer, special deals of running stock accessible though only to pre-defined regions.

Our vision consolidates a different point of view,  deep knowledge of the worldwide market producing an end to end solution from Vendors to Customer.

They liquidate excess while You raise your margins and expand your versatility.

This is exactly what we do.

We generate profit out of excess.

And we can help you do the same.