Excess Stock and You

Companies, on every level of the market, have unwanted inventory.  When it comes to manufacturers this is a scientific fact due to the unavoidable production’s miscalculations as well as known, but also unforeseen, factors that will affect the product’s lifecycle and the level of their stock.

The majority of distributors and traders, when it comes to excess inventory , they see  only their own excess which  has resulted into reserved capital which loses it’s worth much faster than they would like.

Excess Inventory Management-Cedlon Ltd

This is the new perspective that Cedlon offers. Inventory that is considered surplus for one organization has healthy demand in other organizations with guaranteed profits. At-Risk inventory via its very own nature offers opportunities to the customer that knows how to remarket it. At-Risk inventory enjoys one of the highest ROI(Return on Investment) for the people who trade it efficiently. And trading surplus is quite easier than you would think. 

Through the variety of different inventories that you can find inside Cedlon you can fulfill your demand or even create one if the products offered are suitable for your customer needs.

To help our customers develop their excess stock network policy, Cedlon offers consultancy service to any customer that requires it.  Those kind of services expand from free advice based on each deal to up to two weeks training of your purchasing and sales team at your own headquarters. For more information please contact our representative agents.